As a Metal Gear Solid fan naturally I was intrigued about what would become of Metal Gear Solid: Rising, even though Metal Gear mastermind Hideo Kojima isn’t hands on with this project. Well after seeing this trailer I’m slightly worried. The game just doesn’t scream out Metal Gear Solid too me anymore, it seems like some cheap rip off. Originally Rising didn’t look like it would be a bad game (judging from the earlier teaser trailers), but this VGA trailer makes the game seem too generic, when Metal Gear Solid games are known to be unorthodox games. Oh we’ll, I’m sure I’ll end up getting this game regardless, so I’ll wait for the final verdict. Let us know what you make of the trailer.

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Gary A. Swaby
Gary Swaby is a co-founder of The Koalition. He enjoys video games, reading and comic book movies. Being part of The Koalition is his proudest accomplishment.