Gary Swaby is a co-founder of The Koalition. He enjoys video games, reading and comic book movies. Being part of The Koalition is his proudest accomplishment.
When it comes to Final Fantasy, there are many stand-out editions of the main (numeral) games. Every Final Fantasy fanatic has their favourite entry of...
Sony revealed yesterday that their Gaikai-enabled streaming technology has been renamed ‘Playstation Now’. Sony has since confirmed that the service will allow Sony Entertainment Network...
This week on Turn Based we welcome back our fellow Koalition writer, Jakejames Lugo. Our main topic was centered around HD updates and collections for...
Rumours had been circulating from valid sources that the PS4 exclusive DriveClub would be delayed at launched. Well Sony has this morning officially confirmed the...
Square Enix today released an extended look at the gameplay for Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. The video (above) is narrated by game design director...