Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero marks the long-awaited return of the Budokai Tenkaichi series, capturing the essence of classic Dragon Ball with a fresh yet nostalgic...
During the Monster Hunter Wilds livestream showcase earlier today, Capcom announced an open beta test for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC via Steam...
MechWarrior 5: Clans is the latest installment developed by Piranha Games in the iconic MechWarrior franchise. Clans takes everything unbelievable about Mercenaries and adds a...
Sandfall Interactive released a new trailer from their upcoming turn-based RPG Clair Obscur: Expedition 33. The latest trailer reveals the cast and confirms a targeted...
At the Halo World Championships earlier tonight, there were a series of announcements regarding the future of the Halo franchise. First and foremost, 343 Industries...
For ages, the 12 Chinese Zodiac signs have safeguarded humanity, preserving peace, balance, and harmony. However, as traditions evolved, their powers began to wane. To...
Today, GSC Game World and Xbox released a feature-length documentary titled War Game: The Making of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2. The 90-minute video embedded above follows the...
Earlier today, Maximum Entertainment revealed that their hand-drawn 2V2 co-op fighting game Diesel Legacy: The Brazen Age launches on December 3rd for PC, Xbox Series...