Movies News

Justice League Official Heroes Trailer Released

Earlier today, Warner Bros. Pictures released the official heroes trailer from their upcoming Justice League feature film. The video is conveniently embedded above for all of you to check out.

This trailer gives a general overview of what the story will entail, the dangerous threat that Steppenwolf and the New Gods pose to the entire world and how important the league’s alliance is to ending their reign and saving the day. Interestingly enough, the trailer opens with a quick glimpse of Henry Cavill as Clark Kent and alludes to the fact that Superman will indeed return. Warner Bros. has tried to remain tight-lipped on all of these details but luckily for us, we all will know the truth very soon.

Justice League debuts in theaters starting on November 17th. Did today’s trailer convince any of you that the movie is worth checking out? Please feel free to let us know in the comments section below.

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