Microsoft’s most interesting man Aaron Greenberg has been up to his usual antics on twitter today, bragging about the overall sales of Halo 3. In this tweet, Greenberg stated that Halo 3 has outsold Resistance 1 and 2, Uncharted 1 and 2, Killzone 2 and God of War III combined. It is a tweet that will surely get the fan boy’s hearts racing; I hope Greenberg is ready for the criticism. Halo 3 was released in 2007, and is the Xbox 360’s top selling title to date (with Modern Warfare 2 close behind). So what do you guys think about Aaron’s tenancy to brag about Microsoft’s accomplishments over twitter? Leave your comments below. I’m not sure Greenberg should be talking like this while he is so close to crossing paths with HipHopGamer.

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Gary A. Swaby
Gary Swaby is a co-founder of The Koalition. He enjoys video games, reading and comic book movies. Being part of The Koalition is his proudest accomplishment.