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Games of Our Lives — 6.23.15 | New Horizon Details; Sony Talks VR; More!

/// EPISODE 113

Below are the news stories that may not have made the headlines today but are worth reading!

Gamers never die…..

Just like the Games of Our Lives…


►Dragon Age: Inquisition
►Horizon Zero Dawn
►Shadow Warrior 2
►Persona 4: Dancing All Night

/// Dragon Age: Inquisition Survey Leaked, Hints at New Story-Based DLC!

BioWare hinted last month that Dragon Age: Inquisition‘s Jaws of Hakkon DLC probably won’t be the only story-based expansion to hit the RPG, and a recently leaked survey seems to confirm that.

The survey, which was leaked online on both Reddit and the BioWare forum, gives a brief plot summary of what appears to be an upcoming expansion, mentioning assassins, invasions, and more.

Having saved the world of Thedas by closing the Breach, your next mission will determine the future of the Inquisition. Your mark suddenly glows, erupting with magic connected to the Fade. Assassins attack in shadow. An invasion of enemies begins. Win a race against time to face a great evil before it is too late. In this story-based expansion, playable after the events of Dragon Age: Inquisition, you will embark on a last adventure with your team to confront the one who started it all.

It then lists a number of different features, saying that players will be able to fight a Qunari army and “explore diverse, new areas.”

Test your mettle against the full force of the disciplined and battle-hardened Qunari army”

“Explore diverse, new areas as you fight the threat across the whole of Thedas”

“Uncover secrets of the Fade that will change your understanding of the world as you know it”

“Prove your skill with a new, optional gameplay mode that challenges even the most seasoned veteran”


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/// Horizon Zero Dawn Crafting and RPG Elements Discussed by Guerrilla Games!

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/// 15 Minutes of Shadow Warrior 2 Gameplay!

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/// Evolve Update 4.0.0 Rolls Out Today, Check Out the Full List of Changes!

Title Update (All platforms)
New Features
►New assault character Lennox

►Improved the quality of Matchmaking on the XB1.
►Fixed a case where users were unable to accept invites after leaving a game lobby.
►Fixed not having a sign-in prompt after getting signed out while loading into a multiplayer game.
►Title will crash when searching for a match from multiplayer.
►Fixed issue where User is not taken to lobby when accepting an invite from startup screen.
►Fixed issue where the host leaves the match on the Character Select Screen but other players can still see them in the match.
►Host of 5 person Custom match unable to start the game issue. “outofsync”
►Players are unable to find each other when searching Evacuation.
►Fixed a low frame rate issue that could occur when there was a full lobby in an online match.
►Fixed players appearing to still be in a match after they had been disconnected from a server.
►Fixed title crashing to home when user accepts a game invitation during single player Evacuation.
►Fixed an issue where joining a game didn’t display the other player’s gamertag.
►Fixed an issue where users would get a “Connection to host failed” error when going into multiplayer.
►Fixed an issue where users were unable to join in progress from the “Press A to Start” screen.
►Fixed an issue that allowed 2 users to start into a match on their own after searching.
►Fixed a crash that could occur when trying to join on a friend from the XBox Dashboard.
►Fixed a crash that could occur when 2 users that were going to connect while searching Skirmish.
►Fixed a matchmaking issue where a party of 4 were unable to find a game.
►Fixed an issue where clients would get disconnected when a host quits the game from the dashboard.
►Fixed a failed search condition that could happen if the user had already cancelled and restarted searching.
►Fixed an issue where players were unable to find each other in evacuation PvP.


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/// Sony Still “Hasn’t Decided” on Project Morpheus Release Date!

According to Yoshida, the reason why they didn’t spend a lot of time taking about Morpheus during Sony’s E3 2015 press conference was due to the fans.

When we spend more than two minutes on anything other than core gamers games, [people] hate it.

While Yoshida states that the Morpheus initiative is “going very, very well,” he does admit that there are a few things about the device Sony isn’t decided on just yet.

The hardware is on schedule. Lots of games are being created. Some we are showing will hit the launch date that we haven’t decided as of yet. So it’s going really well.



/// Yoshida: VR a Powerful New Medium That “Can’t Be Done” With Conventional TVs, Consoles and PCs!

According to Yoshida, VR is a powerful new medium that you can’t do with conventional TVs, consoles and even PC.

Potential for Project Morpheus…if you have tried any of the (Oculus), Morpheus — even Samsung’s VR — you feel like you’re in a different place. So that’s really a powerful new medium, that we cannot do with conventional TV and game consoles or PC. So, y’know, Project Morpheus allows game developers to put the gameplay into the game world, or make players part of the story. Like if you’ve tried the experience like in London Heist we showed at GDC and we’re showing again at E3…you are part of the story; game characters know you are there, and y’know, you can interact with the other game characters. So that’s a really powerful experience that you can never get playing on conventional games on TV.

So that’s the tool we are giving game developers. When you look at games being made on VR, lots of games are made for VR, so that’s the best way to approach. When you look at the other new mediums like social network (networking), games on Facebook, or games on mobile, the hit titles aren’t coming from existing (video game) publishers. Games Farmville, Angry Birds, Clash of Clans came from new types of developers focused on a new medium — how best to use that new medium.

Virtual Reality is the same, so I’m looking forward to new types of developers very focused on making games and experiences on VR, and that will create the best result — especially if you’re indie developer, there’s so many great indie games coming out every week on consoles and PC. So it’s becoming very difficult to make your games stand out. So because VR is still early and not all of them (indie devs) have jumped on to make VR games, it’s a great chance — opportunity — for indie developers to work on VR now, so that when you release a game, near the launch of Project Morpheus or Oculus, lots of people will take a look at your game.


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/// Xbox One Backwards Compatibility Will Support Xbox 360 DLC!

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/// DriveClub PlayStation Plus Edition Pulled From PlayStation Store, Launch Was “Premature”!

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/// Persona 4: Dancing All Night Marie and Adachi DLC Announced!

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/// Bungie Says Destiny Year One Players Will Receive “Something Better” Than The Taken King Collector’s Edition Perks!

Year One players won’t get the same perks as people who buy a collector’s edition. They’ll get something better. Tune into the Weekly Update for more.


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/// Your In-Game Penis Size in Rust is Based on Your Steam ID!

Rust, the survival MMO from the developers of Garry’s Mod, has decided to tie the penis size of in-game characters, to the user’s Steam ID. This means that the values are assigned randomly and there’s no way for users to change it, unless they play using a new Steam account. [Source]

/// You’ve Now Reached the End of Games of Our Lives

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