
Overwatch: Tips For Using Every Character

Tracer embodies women in gaming


Role: Offense
Summary: Tracer is a time-jumping adventurer, fighting for what’s right. She has the unique ability to control the speed of her own passage through time, allowing her to Blink around the battlefield and Recall her presence to heal herself.

Tracer Tips

  • Tracer’s role is different from a traditional offense character. She is best at terrorizing the team instead of assaulting them head-on. Your positioning should be either to the side or behind enemies so that you can divert their attention away from your allies
  • It’s important to remember that Tracer is a squishy character; so it’s not really recommended to 1v1 an enemy unless they have low health. It’s okay to run and hide once you have an enemies attention because you are still effectively doing your job by drawing away their attention
  • When drawing away an enemy’s attention from their hold, you should try communicating this to your team as this may give them the opening they need
  • Focus on terrorizing weaker characters on the field, such as healers and defense characters. Snipers can also be an easy target as they may not see you coming
  • Try to pace out your three Blinks unless going in for a focused attack. I recommend only using all three Blinks at once if you have a Recall to get you out of danger after

Using Pulse Bomb

  • Tracer is best paired with a Zayra as their Ult combo is devastating. Tracer’s Pulse Bomb is difficult to land perfectly, so Tracer benefits highly from co-coordinating the Ult
  • Tracer can take damage from Pulse Bomb herself. It falls quite hard to the floor so try to aim up slightly when throwing it ahead. There’s around two seconds until the detonation goes off so be ready to make your exit after it hits the floor