Interviews PC Xbox

Dinner vs Dessert – An Interview with Galactose: Pastries in Space’s Creative Director

The war between Dinner and Desert rages on…

Sprinkles never expected to fly attack runs against enemy warships, or to lead the fight for galactic freedom. He used to be a miner, assigned to work in the popcorn belt, but then a Dinner Fleet came to his sector, and brought with them devastation. So he fled that initial battle, flew as far as he could, and found the Resistance waiting. He didn’t take much convincing to join.

So begins one story among many in a galaxy at war. The struggle between Dinner and Desert is about to reach a critical phase, where even a single cupcake fighter might make the difference.

Zero Eden Games’ Galactose: Pastries in Space is a fast-paced space combat which melds fast paced space combat with tactical RTS strategy. In this game, you control various types of dessert drones – cupcakes fighters, pie bombers and ice cream scramblers, along with Ice Cream Sundae Guided Missile Cruisers and Birthday Cake Carriers as you fight against the evils of dinner.

It can be messy but always a sugary delight. To learn more about Galactose: Pastries in Space, The Koalition spoke to Creative Director John O’Meara about what players can expect from this lactose-inducing game.

Galactose: Pastries in Space is currently in development for PC and Xbox One.

Check out our interview below.