During SDCC, Warner Bros.Games and NetherRealm Studios released an announcement trailer for Mortal Kombat 1: Khaos Reigns. This brand new expansion extends the story campaign, adds...
Netflix is developing an epic live-action series based on Conan the Barbarian, the iconic sword-and-sorcery character created by writer Robert E. Howard. From the mind...
In 1991 one of the biggest movies was released featuring a fresh-face Arnold Schwarzenegger as a killer robot with a singular mission. Directed by James...
They’re all back! 28 years after director James Cameron helped to create one of the most beloved sequel, a direct sequel to Terminator: Judgment Day...
Miles Dyson, previously played by Joe Morton (T2: Judgement Day) and Phil Morris (Sarah Connor Chronicles) and now played by Courtney B. Vance, was the...