Shadow Warrior 3 is the newest installment in the long-running series developed by Devolver Digital. With an overhaul to movement and a simplistic story, this...
I hope that Wasteland 3: The Battle of Steeltown is the first of many expansions for the critically acclaimed game from inXile entertainment. When the...
There’s something alluring about the world of Frozen; the complicated characters, the fan theories and the stories that settles deep within the lands of Arendelle....
Bethesda has debuted a new TV spot for the highly-anticipated DOOM Eternal inviting players to find their power, defiance, and courage. As the DOOM Slayer, players...
Summer is the traditional season of spectacular blockbusters. The 2019 summer season will not be an exception. Following the main trends of world cinema, many...
When I was a child, trading cards bought me delight. Collecting the latest basketball and baseball cards, pretending to be the players, wishing I was...