During The Game Awards, Naughty Dog announced their upcoming new franchise Intergalactic: The Heretic. This science fiction adventure game stars Tati Gabrielle as the lead...
LEGO Horizon Adventures was officially announced during the June Summer Game Fest showcase. Developed by Guerrilla Games and Studio Gobo with help from The Lego...
When Astro’s Playroom debuted as a pre-installed game on every PlayStation 5 console, it exceeded all expectations as the best launch title by making full...
I don’t know about you but it appears my installed games on my Steam Deck consist of a forever-growing list of formerly PlayStation exclusives. Many...
Stellar Blade was revealed worldwide during a PlayStation showcase livestream event in September 2021. While Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 and God of War Ragnarök were the...
When Insomniac Games released Marvel’s Spider-Man and Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales over the last several years, they proved that they were perfectly capable of creating...
During Summer Games Fest earlier today, Insomniac Games and Sony Interactive Entertainment confirmed that Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 will launch exclusively on PlayStation 5 on October...