Love him or hate him (or be completely clueless on who exactly he is), but Hopsin has dropped visuals for one of the arguably best tracks the past couple years. Big statement, but his lyrical on the status quo of his generation is well crafted and thorough. Hopsin is know to say what a lot of people either can’t articulate or simply don’t have the balls to say, and this track is no different. Check it and comment. Let us know if you agree with what he says.

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Charles Singletary
Charles "Profex" Singletary is a writer raised in Birmingham, AL but currently calling San Antonio, TX home. Specializing in entertainment media, Charles reviews movies, writes video game news articles and editorials, and brings a spotlight to various music artists through the different mediums he writes for. His goals center around bringing a spotlight to the lesser known gems in both gaming and music. These incredibly talented developers and artists deserve a dedicated platform and he wants to use whatever notoriety he gains to push them forward.