
React Episode 9 – The Legacy of Hiroshi Yamauchi and The Future of Nintendo

There are few men that meant as much to the gaming industry as Hiroshi Yamauchi. In light of his recent passing, Jakejames Lugo, Richard Bailey and I talk about the legacy of the game and the future of his former company. Not only did he take over Nintendo in the late 1940s when they were nothing more than a trading card manufacturer and turn them into the largest and most recognized gaming company in the world, but he did it all with the foresight and forward thinking that allowed him to be as successful as possible over the 50+ years he led the company. While he may not be as recognizable of a face and name as Shigeru Miyamoto, he was the man behind it all. He discovered Miyamoto when he was a mere toy-maker and gave him a shot with Donkey Kong and steered the company to success for over half a century.

Words cannot describe what his loss means to the industry as a whole, but we try to at least make a dent. This episode of the React podcast not only looks at his legacy as an influential part of our lives, but also our memories on Nintendo platforms over time. We reminisce on some of our favorite gaming moments and then turn the discussion to look towards the future and what we expect from Nintendo in the coming years.

For reference, we also talk about the Genesis and Dreamcast, the Power Glove (amazing video I reference right here), the creation of the PlayStation and lots of other topics that are related. Also, you should definitely check out these two songs from Nintendo composer Hirokazu Tanaka creates two songs in tribute to the late Yamauichi. The first is themed after Super Mario Land and the second is based on Metroid. Check them out below:

What are some of your favorite Nintendo memories? How do you think the industry will change with his passing, if at all? Let us know down in the comments below!