When a virtuoso music student commits suicide days before an important concert, her death unleashes a supernatural force in Nocturne, an unsettling tale of sibling...
Pixar Animation Studios’ all-new feature film Soul introduces Joe Gardner (voiced Jamie Foxx) – a middle-school band teacher who has a passion for jazz. Joe...
In the terrifying thriller Songbird , the COVID-23 virus has mutated, and the world is in its fourth year of lockdown. Infected Americans are ripped...
What is it that makes you…YOU? Pixar Animation Studios’ all-new feature film Soul introduces Joe Gardner (Jamie Foxx) – a middle-school band teacher who has...
Selena + Chef, an unscripted series with Selena Gomez on HBO Max is a 10-episode cooking series features the multiplatinum-selling recording artist, actress, producer, entrepreneur...