
The Last Story’s Characters Revealed

This week Mistwalker revealed that the hero and heroine of their upcoming game The Last Story. The Director labels the illustration below the hero and heroine, however not just them are in the illustration next to them is a Tiger, whether Tiger is a companion or pet is unknown at the time.

There apparently seems to be a wall between them even though their hearts have touched. The hero and heroine cannot dream together which means could describe their relationship. In the blog the game is said to contain many stories within The Last Story such as:
The fear of speaking about true feeling
Hero’s father who went missing on a boat
Difficult decisions of leaders
Fate in the hands of a friend who turned evil
A stupid archaeologist’s jail break
Little people who are big eaters and finally..
So far Beautiful

The Director expresses the importance of the combat system and narrative story. The Producer says that players will get a chance to feel the players stories and experience feelings. The Stories however will be focused on the hero.