Editorials News

Announcing GOING INDIE, A Book for Indie Game Developer Success

If you’ve ever wanted to take your ideas from indie dreams to gaming reality, then we’ve got great news for you! Richard Bailey, the Editor-in-Chief of The Koalition, Charles Singletary, and I, David Jagneaux, have joined forces to create the ultimate guide to indie game development success: GOING INDIE: Success Strategies for Creating and Launching Your Indie Game. 

Over a year ago, we were talking about ways to help out more indie developers. After we looked around the internet and polled our network of game industry contacts, we realized a book like this didn’t exist. You can watch documentaries like Indie Game: The Movie, you can find great collections of indie game art work, and you can even learn game design or different types of game programming online and in books. However, what we couldn’t find, was something that took the basics of all these concepts – all the strategies for success needed to make an indie game – and combined them together into a single resource. That’s what GOING INDIE is going to be.

With GOING INDIE, we’ve eliminated all of the grunt work that most beginner indie developers have to go through. All of the research, compiling resources, scouring blogs, looking for advice, seeing what experienced developers have to say, and everything else – we did all of that for you. In fact, we’ve gotten exclusive quotes and interviews with some of the most successful indie developers from around the world. That way you can focus on what matters the most: actually making your game.

Here is a full outline of what you can expect:


Level One: Understanding What Makes a Good Game

Level Two: Getting Started with Game Development

Level Three: Game Jams and Meetups

Level Four: Building a Team

Level Five: Announcing and Promoting

Level Six: Crowdfunding 

Level Seven: PR and Publishing

Level Eight: Events, Conventions, and Festivals

Level Nine: Launching Your Game

Level Ten: Business Development and Scaling

BONUS LEVEL: Resources

Of course, this is just a brief, high-level overview of the book’s contents. Throughout the book we’ll include insightful quotes and interviews with influential and successful members of the indie game development community.

You can find out more information at our official website and follow us on Facebook and Twitter as well. The cover and all original artwork inside the book are created by Kelsy Shen.

GOING INDIE‘s currently anticipated release date is early March 2016, when it will be available for Kindle on Amazon, with a paperback edition, also on Amazon, soon to follow afterwards. To stay up-to-date with the book and its developments, as well as to get your hands on a free PDF guide coming soon, you can subscribe to our newsletter on our website.