On May 26th, 2017, Ubisoft Montreal officially lifted the veil off of the next installment in their popular Far Cry series. With a fictional setting...
On October 27th, hardcore gamers and gaming enthusiasts alike will experience the single biggest video game release day of the year when Super Mario Odyssey,...
Earlier this year, I had an opportunity to attend my very first Game Developers Conference in San Francisco, California and was instantly disappointed in myself...
On October 10th, Monolith Productions and Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment will finally release Middle-earth: Shadow of War on PS4, Xbox One and PC. Around this same...
Earlier this year, Monolith Productions and Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment surprised LOTR fans everywhere when they released an announce trailer for a direct sequel to...
Italian based video game development studio Milestone S.r.l. gained a ton of success over the last two decades by creating both the successful MotoGP and Superbike video...
On March 3rd, 2017, Nintendo released their seventh major video game console alongside launch titles like 1-2-Switch and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the...
Last weekend, hundreds of people gathered at the Palm Springs Convention Center for the city’s second Comic Con. Even though temperatures pushed 115° and higher,...
Seven: The Days Long Gone is a 3D isometric RPG set in a “beyond post-apocalyptic” world filled with strange technology. The game places you in control...