In celebration of Pixar Animation Studios’ “Inside Out 2” premiering in theaters today, Disneyland Resort just shared a roundup of all the new ways that guests can experience the...
Paramount Pictures in partnership with Hollywood Confidential hosted a captivating event at the Samuel Goldwyn Theater in Beverly Hills, shining a spotlight on the illustrious...
In 2022, Joel Martinez, known as The Kid Mero, announced he was ending his business partnership with Desus Nice (real name Daniel Baker), collectively ending Desus & Mero...
Mike Love and Bruce Johnston of The Beach Boys were in London at the famed Abbey Road Studios where they joined Frank Marshall, the director/producer...
Cast and filmmakers from Kingdom of the Planet Apes, including stars Owen Teague, Freya Allan, Kevin Durand, director/producer Wes Ball, and star of the original...
In Luca Guadagnino‘s Challengers there is a magnetic, majestic power to personal intensity. We see it in the way people focus on their passion, their...
Keep your friends close but keep your frenemies closer-er, because you never know when you might need each other to save the universe…or universes. Marvel’s...
Today, Disney+ released a new teaser and poster for Descendants: The Rise of Red, the next installment in the mega-hit Descendants franchise that features the...