Syberia: The World Before is the latest installment entry from the Developers and Publishers for the adventure game series. Benoit Sokal was the tremendous and...
Shadow Warrior 3 is the newest installment in the long-running series developed by Devolver Digital. With an overhaul to movement and a simplistic story, this...
Total War: Warhammer III is the latest installment to the long-running series developed by Creative Assembly. Is this a good game? The short answer is,...
Elden Ring is the highly anticipated game created by FromSoftware Inc. and published by Bandi Namco Entertainment. This title has the gaming world in a...
When it comes to the zombie survival horror genre Dying Light is regarded as the gold standard. The story was engaging, the gameplay mechanics innovating,...
When Guerrilla Games and Sony Interactive Entertainment decided to release Horizon Zero Dawn on February 28th, 2017, the bold single-player action role-playing game achieved critical...
Lost Ark has finally hit the lands of the West and already made a colossal impact. Amazon Games, the publisher bringing Tripod Studios and Smilegate’s...
OlliOlli World developed by Roll7 is the third installment in a series of games made for the skateboarder’s heart. These games have always been technical...
What is Astroneer? Developed by System Era Softworks, Astroneer was originally an early access game on Steam in 2016 with its official launch in 2019....