Universal Pictures has released a Nobody Big Game spot for Ilya Naishuller’s upcoming action-thriller film, featuring Emmy winner Bob Odenkirk as a seemingly normal suburban...
The world of Esports is continuously under change, being such a high-momentum scene with thousands of teams in multiple games. Simple in-game changes can have...
When a virtuoso music student commits suicide days before an important concert, her death unleashes a supernatural force in Nocturne, an unsettling tale of sibling...
This just in: DC FanDome — the first-of-its-kind virtual experience for DC superfans globally — became too massive to contain in the four dimensions of...
This holiday season, Disney+ invites LEGO and Star Wars fans to Chewbacca’s homeworld of Kashyyyk for a Wookiee-sized celebration of the galaxy’s most cheerful and magical holiday,...
Lionsgate announced Antebellum, starring Janelle Monáe and written and directed by Gerard Bush and Christopher Renz, will make its release as a Premium On-Demand release,...
During Comic-Con@Home, FX Unlocked will include digital activations, games and experiences which takes place July 23-26. With FX Unlocked, fans will enter the world of...
The Star Wars movie universe is botched hot mess of disasters as actors from the Star Wars franchise continue to express their dissatisfaction along with...