According to Variety, HBO Max’s The Penguin series has cast Carmen Ejogo, François Chau, and David H. Holmes in recurring roles. They join a cast that...
From director Jared Stern, DC League of Super-Pets is an all-new adaptation of superheroes of another kind. Krypto the Super-Dog and Superman are inseparable best...
From director Jared Stern, DC League of Super-Pets is an all-new adaptation of superheroes of another kind. Krypto the Super-Dog and Superman are inseparable best...
Matt Reeves, the director of the highly successful The Batman released a 5-minute deleted scene from Bruce Wayne’s incredibly journey as the Dark Knight featuring Batman’s facing...
1,300-Page Milestone Compendium One, Black History Anthology Scheduled For February 2022 The announcement of The Milestone Initiative in collaboration with Ally as part of DC’s...
Inspired by the 16th-century Chinese novel Journey to the West, DC’s newest shape-shifting Super Hero, the Monkey Prince, a.k.a.Marcus Sun, is returning to headline his...