Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero marks the long-awaited return of the Budokai Tenkaichi series, capturing the essence of classic Dragon Ball with a fresh yet nostalgic...
Earlier today, Bandai Namco released the official story trailer for their upcoming TEKKEN 8 video game. The action-packed video is included above while more details...
Why does society idolize serial killers? There are movies, shows, podcasts, and museums dedicated to these people yet we crave to know more about them,...
During Summer Game Fest earlier today, FromSoftware and Bandai Namco Entertainment released the first official gameplay trailer for Elden Ring and confirmed that the game...
Growing up as a kid, I always had a fascination for movies, tv shows, and animated films centered around characters exploring exciting, yet dangerous worlds....
After recently adding three fighting style games to my Nintendo Switch collection, I thought I’d take the opportunity to give a synopsis of every fighting...
For some, Captain Tsubasa: Rise of New Champions is just another Inazuma anime soccer-style game while for others, it is just another Bandai Namco anime game....