According to Variety, HBO Max’s The Penguin series has cast Carmen Ejogo, François Chau, and David H. Holmes in recurring roles. They join a cast that...
From director Jared Stern, DC League of Super-Pets is an all-new adaptation of superheroes of another kind. Krypto the Super-Dog and Superman are inseparable best...
From director Jared Stern, DC League of Super-Pets is an all-new adaptation of superheroes of another kind. Krypto the Super-Dog and Superman are inseparable best...
Matt Reeves, the director of the highly successful The Batman released a 5-minute deleted scene from Bruce Wayne’s incredibly journey as the Dark Knight featuring Batman’s facing...
During the DC FanDome event director Andy Muschietti, producer Barbara Muschietti, screenwriter Christina Hodson and star Ezra Miller revealed concept art showing the new Flash...
HBO Max and director Matt Reeves, the man behind the upcoming The Batman movie starring Robert Pattinson and Zoe Kravitz, are developing a police drama...