Today, Disney+ announced the second season of the critically acclaimed animated series Star Wars: The Bad Batch, which will launch in 2022. Fans have enthusiastically...
In Marvel Studios’ spy thriller Black Widow, Natasha Romanoff aka Black Widow confronts the darker parts of her ledger when a dangerous conspiracy with ties...
Disney and Pixar’s original feature film Luca is a fun and heartwarming story about friendship, stepping out of your comfort zone and two teenage sea monsters...
Throughout the years Disney is known for its innovative and heartwarming family-friendly content and with the addition of Disney+, the company has expanded its outreach...
For 244 days adventurous film crews followed various species of whales all over the world, capturing their unique hunting strategies, communication skills, and social structures...
Imagine coming face-to-face with a killer whale. The overwhelming feeling of not knowing what’s next sets in as the whale circles you. This could be...