Disney+ ordered its next animated series from Lucasfilm, Star Wars: The Bad Batch. Fresh off of the critically-acclaimed series finale of Star Wars: The Clone...
Disney+, announced and debuted the teaser video for the visual album Black Is King written, directed and executive produced by 24-time Grammy® Award-winner Beyoncé. “Black...
The filmmakers from Disney & Pixar’s animated movie Soul have partnered with American anthropologist/educator Dr. Johnnetta Cole and globally-renowned Jazz pianist Jon Batiste to offer a new sneak...
In 2009, a 29-year-old Lin-Manuel Miranda walked into the White House to perform what was known as The Hamilton Mixtape for President Obama, the First...
Disney Television Studios has set its panel lineup for Comic-Con@Home, the virtual program for San Diego Comic-Con which runs from July 23-26. T The panels...