During The 2022 Game Awards, Rocksteady Games revealed a Batman trailer for their upcoming Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League video game. The embedded clip above serves...
Earlier tonight, Coatsink and Sad Cat Studios released a new trailer for their upcoming dystopian cyberpunk platformer titled REPLACED. Scheduled for release next year on...
Earlier tonight, Electronic Arts and Respawn Entertainment announced that their upcoming Star Wars Jedi: Survivor will launch on March 17th for Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 5,...
League of Legends has grown tremendously throughout the years – reinforcing their strongholds as player favorites and remaining the leading eSports fan-favorites on betting sites...
Earlier this week, SEGA released an animated prologue short for their upcoming Sonic Frontiers video game featuring Knuckles. The video is embedded above while some...
Whenever someone would ask me what’s my favorite PlayStation game franchise, I would instantly reply with Uncharted. I grew up watching Indiana Jones movies and...