Assassin’s Creed Shadows was revealed as a cinematic world premiere trailer on May 15th. Set within feudal Japan and fixated on two playable protagonists in...
Phantom Blade Zero was first announced during a PlayStation showcase live stream back in May 2023. Self-described as an ambitious action RPG set within a...
During Summer Games Fest, S-GAME released a brand new gameplay trailer for their upcoming Phantom Blade Zero video game. The trailer features plenty of action...
During Summer Games Fest, Torn Banner Studios announced an eight-player coop horror shooter titled No More Room In Hell 2. Described as the sequel to...
Ever since Alan Wake 2 was revealed during Sony’s PlayStation showcase event last month, I’ve been eagerly awaiting to see where the troubled writer’s next...
Ever since the release of Cyberpunk 2077 on December 10th, 2020, CD Projekt Red has been working endlessly to create a better overall experience for...
When Mortal Kombat 1 was officially announced last month alongside a confirmed release date, I was filled with both excitement and confusion. Having previously reviewed...
Some social media manager out there has made a boo-boo. Yesterday, after the excitement of The Summer Games Fest showcase, two Tweets were published on...
During Summer Game Fest yesterday, Remedy Entertainment and Epic Games released a new gameplay trailer for Alan Wake 2 featuring Saga Anderson played by Melanie...
Earlier today, Warner Bros.Games and NetherRealm Studios released the official gameplay reveal trailer for Mortal Kombat 1. The gloriously brutal reveal trailer is included above while...
During Summer Game Fest earlier today, Gunfire Games and Gearbox Publishing announced that Remnant II will launch on July 25th for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series...
During Summer Games Fest earlier today, Ubisoft announced Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown alongside a January 18th, 2024 release date for PlayStation 5, Xbox...