Search Results for: netflix

Movies Reviews Videos

Army Of The Dead Spoiler Review – Release The Zombieverse

Dana Abercrombie
Zack Snyder is finally home and from the opening credits of Army Of The Dead you can feel his energy as the beats of ‘Viva...
Interviews Movies

The Trial Of The Chicago 7’s Ryan Donnell Smith Explains What Makes A Good Script

Dana Abercrombie
“The whole world is watching!” this iconic line from the protest movement of the ‘60s reverberates throughout Aaron Sorkin’s The Trial of the Chicago 7....
Interviews TV

Kevin Feige, Marvel Studios Visionary and Mastermind Talks WandaVision and Phase 4

Dana Abercrombie
“I’ve got no strings on me.” – Ultron It’s hard to remember Marvel before Kevin Feige but imagine a studio not even making its own...
Editorials Trailers TV

The Koalition’s Guide To The Best Music Documentaries of 2020

Dana Abercrombie
Music fuels our soul and keeps us sane. It is the air we breathe and the sounds that help us cope. What better way to...