HBO Max and director Matt Reeves, the man behind the upcoming The Batman movie starring Robert Pattinson and Zoe Kravitz, are developing a police drama...
Disney Television Studios has set its panel lineup for Comic-Con@Home, the virtual program for San Diego Comic-Con which runs from July 23-26. T The panels...
In a recent interview with Deadline, Stranger Things creators Ross and Matt Duffer shared new information about the fourth season of their Netflix series, teasing...
Netmarble’s Super Hero mobile game MARVEL Future Fight is celebrating its 5th Anniversary! In April 2015, MARVEL Future Fight was launched simultaneously in 148 countries...
Despite being delayed indefinitely earlier this year, Dying Light 2 still remains at the top of many anticipated video game lists. Described by Techland as...
Academy Award winner Taika Waititi, who recently won Best Adapted Screenplay for Jojo Rabbit and directed the widely-acclaimed first season finale episode of The Mandalorian on Disney+, will...