Hazelight Studios Founder Josef Fares will forever be remembered for his passionate “F**k The Oscars” speech during the 2017 Game Awards show. The talented game...
Mickey Mouse and friends are heading to Disney+ in the all new-animated shorts series, The Wonderful World of Mickey Mouse. From the team behind Disney...
2020 continues to be the worst. Chadwick Boseman, the actor who was the embodiment of T’Challa in Black Panther and who also portrayed prominent Black...
Summer is the traditional season of spectacular blockbusters. The 2019 summer season will not be an exception. Following the main trends of world cinema, many...
Earlier today, Skybound Games officially announced that the third episode of The Walking Dead: The Final Season will launch on January 15th for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and...
Yesterday afternoon, Microsoft conducted their year-end global celebration of Xbox with a special X018 edition of Inside Xbox live from Mexico City, Mexico. While Xbox...
Friday, October 26th marks the worldwide release of one of this year’s most anticipated video games when Red Dead Redemption 2 finally hits stores. Given...