Pixar Animation Studios’ all-new feature film Soul introduces Joe Gardner (voiced Jamie Foxx) – a middle-school band teacher who has a passion for jazz. Joe...
What is it that makes you…YOU? Pixar Animation Studios’ all-new feature film Soul introduces Joe Gardner (Jamie Foxx) – a middle-school band teacher who has...
Selena + Chef, an unscripted series with Selena Gomez on HBO Max is a 10-episode cooking series features the multiplatinum-selling recording artist, actress, producer, entrepreneur...
Space the final frontier…or maybe the always fascinating and enlightening frontier. There’s something breathtaking and exciting about the unknown. While today there’s a plethora of...
The Walt Disney Company announced Soul, the all-new original feature from Pixar Animation Studios, will debut exclusively on Disney+ on December 25, 2020. In international...
Set to premiere on Sunday, October 18th, Fox has released the first photos from The Simpsons’ annual Halloween special titled Treehouse of Horror XXXI, giving us...