This past weekend, Power Book III: Raising Kanan debuted on the Starz network. The Power Universe has been known to break records, with the original...
NBC is celebrating a November to remember as America’s most-loved dramas make their highly anticipated season debuts the week of Nov. 9-13, including a two-hour...
Written and directed by Jon Stewart, Irresistible is a comedy about what happens when a small Wisconsin town becomes the main attraction of our modern-day...
In the midst of a historic pandemic, economic hardship, and a reckoning with racism, this November Americans will decide who will lead the nation for...
Updated 9/14/2020: This article has been updated to include more accurate depiction of Xbox Live Gold subscriptions in context with Game Pass subscriptions. The July...
Earlier today, Electronic Arts, Motive Studios and Lucasfilm released the official announcement trailer for Star Wars: Squadrons. Set for an October 2nd release on PC,...
The coronavirus pandemic has led to lockdowns of varying severity all across the world, forcing people to stay inside their homes. Of course, this has...