Growing up as a kid, I have always been fascinated by beautifully drawn 2D animated movies with captivating storylines and memorable musical scores. This was...
In AEW, they fly through the air, bending and twisting their bodies, achieving extraordinary heights. They slam, kick and piledrive their way to the top....
Primarily focusing on mobile games, Scars Above is Mad Head Games’ first console release. The Serbian development team is bringing a new roguelike to the...
Welcome to the Gamer Guardians Podcast! We discuss the following: Forspoken, Dead Space Remake, RedFall, Final Fantasy 16, Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom,...
PROGRAMACIÓN ViX+ RAPHAELISMO | Serie documental Estreno el 6 de octubre Sinopsis: Raphael abre las puertas de su casa y de su memoria para contar junto...
In Saturday’s upcoming episode of Love & Marriage: Huntsville, Galentine’s day melee continues. Martell is upset he is not invited to Jaylin’s housewarming. Wanda asks...
The Game Awards, the video game industry’s biggest annual year-end celebration, aired live in 4K UHD tonight across more than 40 platforms globally. Hazelight Studios’...