Assassin’s Creed Shadows was revealed as a cinematic world premiere trailer on May 15th. Set within feudal Japan and fixated on two playable protagonists in...
Thanks to a successful Kickstarter campaign, a spiritual successor to a classic Japanese Role Playing Game (JRPG) called Suikoden, we’re blessed with Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred...
Stellar Blade was revealed worldwide during a PlayStation showcase livestream event in September 2021. While Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 and God of War Ragnarök were the...
There’s nothing like a good ghost story. One that rattles your soul, and leaves you wondering about the afterlife. Many games have explored ghosts and...
Assassin’s Creed Mirage was officially announced on a Ubisoft Forward livestream last September. During Summer Games Fest Play Days back in June, I attended a...
Growing up as a kid, I have always been fascinated by beautifully drawn 2D animated movies with captivating storylines and memorable musical scores. This was...
Earlier this morning, EA announced that their newest studio Cliffhanger Games is currently working on an original, third-person, single-player Black Panther action-adventure video game in...
During Sony’s PlayStation showcase event earlier today, Ubisoft released a new gameplay trailer for Assassin’s Creed Mirage and announced a worldwide release date of October 12th,...