This past October, Eidos-Montréal and Square Enix released a very strong game of the year candidate with Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy. Editor Adam Vale...
Spanning thousands of years, Marvel Studios’ Eternals is an expansive story of the Earth’s oldest group of heroes, ten gifted Eternals who have been watching...
Earlier today, Firaxis Games and 2K Games announced that their upcoming Marvel’s Midnight Suns video game has been pushed back to the second half of...
Eidos-Montréal and Square Enix have released the official launch trailer for Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy which will launch on October 26th for Xbox Series X/S,...
Earlier this year, I finally had the opportunity to complete Marvel’s Avengers when the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S versions launched on March 18th....
During the PlayStation Showcase 2021 earlier today, Insomniac Games announced that Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is currently in development for PlayStation 5 and is expected to...
A second season Marvel’s Spidey and his Amazing Friends, the first full-length Marvel series for preschoolers, has been greenlit into production after its impressive debut...
A trailer and images for Marvel Studios’ Black Widow has released, showcasing Natasha Romanoff’s struggle to face her past and deal with unfinished business. After...
An all-new, mid-season featurette is now available for Marvel Studios’ WandaVision— with stars Elizabeth Olsen, Paul Bettany, Kathryn Hahn, and director Matt Shakman showcasing the extraordinary...