Syberia: The World Before is the latest installment entry from the Developers and Publishers for the adventure game series. Benoit Sokal was the tremendous and...
Shadow Warrior 3 is the newest installment in the long-running series developed by Devolver Digital. With an overhaul to movement and a simplistic story, this...
Total War: Warhammer III is the latest installment to the long-running series developed by Creative Assembly. Is this a good game? The short answer is,...
Lost Ark has finally hit the lands of the West and already made a colossal impact. Amazon Games, the publisher bringing Tripod Studios and Smilegate’s...
Earlier today, Microsoft officially announced that they plan to acquire Activision Blizzard for $68.7 billion dollars. This unexpected and wildly exciting news will allow the...
During The Game Awards, Rocksteady Games revealed the official gameplay trailer for their upcoming Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League video game. The action-packed video is embedded...