During The Game Awards, Focus Home Interactive and Asobo Studio released the official gameplay trailer for their upcoming game A Plague Tale: Requiem. The trailer...
Unveiled on stage at the 2021 Game Awards, the Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II gameplay-reveal features shots of Senua, Hellblade’s main protagonist, fighting a giant troll that emerges...
During the Xbox Bethesda showcase earlier today, Annapurna Interactive announced that Twelve Minutes will launch on August 19th for PC, Xbox Series X/S, and Xbox...
Hazelight Studios Founder Josef Fares will forever be remembered for his passionate “F**k The Oscars” speech during the 2017 Game Awards show. The talented game...
As the gaming industry continues to evolve, the approaches of up-and-coming game developers also need to change. Given the sector’s vastness, it’s arguably more troublesome...
On tonight’s Throwdown, we discuss Bethesda games potentially coming to PS5, God of War Ragnarok possibly not being a PS5 exclusive, Tim Sweeny comparing fight...
In this time of uncertainty, where a global pandemic has prevented many reputable events from taking place, mayamada has decided to bring their popular British...
Since the age of the smartphone began, the functions that we can fulfill with our devices have expanded considerably. These days, most households have several...
Whenever a new installment of a well-known game series is announced, fans get excited to experience the same characters and gameplay but in a different...