Almost 30 years after Mortal Kombat transformed the fighting game landscape forever, an R-rated reboot of the film franchise based on the games has finally...
After the events of last week’s Invincible, episode 7 opened with Debbie awakening to find Nolan standing with his bloodied uniform on the table downstairs....
Oddworld Inhabitants, developers of a story-rich franchise and world starting in 1997 had disappeared for a while with favorite characters such as Abe, The Stranger,...
Back in 2005, the original Xbox was quickly establishing itself as a must-have console. Halo 2 had released the prior year and was instantly regarded...
Since the past few console generations, online multiplayer has been king. Very little “couch co-op” games exist and when they do, they don’t fare well...
“The desire to become a superhuman cannot be separated from supremacist ideals. Anyone with that serum is inherently on that path,” Baron Zemo ((Daniel Bruhl)...
There can’t be two alphas,” proclaims Rebecca Hall’s Dr. Ilene Andrews in Godzilla vs. Kong; Adam Wingard’s crisply choreographed version of the Japanese kaiju movie...
One of the greatest benefits of being an indie developer is the ability to have complete “outside the box” creativity. Developer Unfold Games and Publisher...