Search Results for: light year

Trailers TV

“Gen V” Reveals Official Key Art and Character Descriptions

Dana Abercrombie
Today, Prime Video released the official key art and character descriptions for the highly anticipated Amazon Original series Gen V, which comes from the world of The Boys. The series...
Interviews Movies

Jann Mardenborough and the Importance of The Gran Turismo Movie

Dana Abercrombie
No one expected Jann Mardenborough to be a success story in the racing world. The idea of taking a gamer and teaching him how to...

LEGO Disney Princess: The Castle Quest Trailer Transports the Disney Princesses to a Mysterious Castle

Dana Abercrombie
An exciting new adventure begins today with the release of the official trailer and key art for LEGO Disney Princess: The Castle Quest. The all-new...
Game Reviews PlayStation

Final Fantasy XVI Review – A Beautiful Disaster

Tatjana Vejnovic
Announced in September 2020, Final Fantasy XVI is the newest mainline Final Fantasy game in the franchise. After all the waiting and chaos around Final...
Interviews Movies

Avatar: The Way of Water Production Designer on How the Franchise Pulled from Reality to Create a Fantasy

Dana Abercrombie
Thirteen years ago, Academy Award-winner James Cameron introduced moviegoers to a world unlike any they’d ever seen with his breathtaking epic Avatar. Now, Avatar fans...