LEGO Horizon Adventures was officially announced during the June Summer Game Fest showcase. Developed by Guerrilla Games and Studio Gobo with help from The Lego...
Phantom Blade Zero was first announced during a PlayStation showcase live stream back in May 2023. Self-described as an ambitious action RPG set within a...
Ever since Alan Wake 2 was revealed during Sony’s PlayStation showcase event last month, I’ve been eagerly awaiting to see where the troubled writer’s next...
Ever since the release of Cyberpunk 2077 on December 10th, 2020, CD Projekt Red has been working endlessly to create a better overall experience for...
During Summer Game Fest earlier today, Gunfire Games and Gearbox Publishing announced that Remnant II will launch on July 25th for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series...
During Summer Game Fest earlier today, Kojima Productions and Sony Interactive Entertainment revealed that Death Stranding Director’s Cut is coming To PS5 soon. A brief...