Stephen King’s best-selling classic, Firestarter, published in 1980, is celebrated for its complex, character-driven story, which follows a young girl with extraordinary powers who is...
Partisans 1941 is a real-time stealth and tactics game that gives you a three-person squad positioned behind enemy lines in occupied Russia. You are Commander...
Netflix has officially ordered eight episodes of Resident Evil the TV series. Supernatural co-showrunner Andrew Dabb will oversee the series for Netflix. Dabb is set to start...
Ah, Resident Evil: Revelations, so many words can describe this game: atmospheric, foggy. But my favorite will always be numb. I remember playing the 1996 Resident...
Amazon Prime Video has released the official Chemical Hearts trailer starring Lili Reinhart (Riverdale, Hustlers) and Austin Abrams (Euphoria, The Walking Dead). Based on the novel Our Chemical Hearts by Krystal Sutherland,...