Kojima Productions and Sony Interactive Entertainment have released the final trailer for their upcoming Death Stranding Director’s Cut video game. The single-player action game is...
Marvel Studios presents Shang-Chi and The Legend of The Ten Rings, an all-new, epic adventure that debuts the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s newest Super Hero—Shang-Chi—in an...
Last night, 2K Games released the official reveal gameplay for their upcoming NBA 2K22 basketball video game. As stated in the brief and exciting video...
In this segment (above) from our latest episode of The Co-op Podcast, we talked all about our experiences while working on Raising the Game, including...
CPU vs. CPU prediction of this Friday’s UEFA Euro 2020 final match between Italy and England using Konami’s eFootball PES 2021 Season Update. Footage recorded...
CPU vs. CPU prediction of the outcome for the UFC middleweight title match between Israel Adesanya and Marvin Vettori at UFC 263 in Glendale, California....
CPU vs. CPU prediction of this Friday’s UEFA Euro 2020 opening match between Turkey and Italy using Konami’s eFootball PES 2021 Season Update. Footage recorded...