Don Mancini (Child’s Play) has taken to Twitter to reveal the first teaser for Chucky, the highly-anticipated series continuation of his iconic horror franchise, as well...
LEGO has officially announced the LEGO Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), a replica of the 1985 classic console which also includes a buildable 1980’s retro TV...
Earlier today, Ubisoft revealed more details about Watch Dogs: Legion during their first Ubisoft Forward event. Having had a chance to check out 3 hours...
Square Enix’s upcoming video game, Marvel’s Avengers, takes place in a world where the Avengers disbanded after the apparent death of Captain America. However, developers Crystal...
In honor of Crystal Dynamics announcement it’s planning to show more of Marvel’s Avengers this Wednesday in a new live stream, Square-Enix has announced Marvel’s...
CPU vs. CPU prediction of this Wednesday’s Coppa Italia Final match between Juventus and Napoli, using Konami’s eFootball PES 2020. Footage recorded on PS4 Pro. Don’t...
During Sony’s latest The Future of Gaming showcase, Counterplay Games’ Godfall finally revealed their first gameplay trailer for Godfall, after announcing the game for PS5...
It wouldn’t quite feel like right without the familiar sounds of Autobots rolling out and the wait for their arrival won’t be long. In Transformers:...