Over two years since the first season aired, Prime Video’s Invincible is back for Season 2. The animated superhero series will pick up right where the...
The gods swapped ancient Greece for New York Comic Con 2023. This year, Disney+ brought Percy Jackson and the Olympians, its new show based on the globally popular...
Long ago, there was a show on Nickelodeon that changed the entire dynamic of storytelling for young audiences. Each week many fans, including myself, waited...
Lifetime unveils the network’s full fall Ripped From the Headlines “Truly Unbelievable” movie slate, featuring top talent in seven new original movies. All produced earlier...
Growing up as a kid, I have always been fascinated by beautifully drawn 2D animated movies with captivating storylines and memorable musical scores. This was...
SDCC is just around the corner, and despite major studios not attending this year because of the Writers’ Strike and possible upcoming SAG-AFTRA strike (to...
There’s something special about dinosaurs. They fascinate us, they scare us, but there is a majestic beauty they carry. Maybe it’s because they were extinct...